Devotional: Ordered Loyalties

A companion to The Liturgy of Politics two-part sermon series


“Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” — Colossians 3:1-2


Our culture is full of messages competing for our attention, allegiance, and even our love. Whether through political news, entertainment, or social media, these “cultural liturgies” influence our hearts and minds, shaping what we love and where we place our loyalty. This passage from Colossians reminds us of the importance of centering our lives on Christ. As followers of Jesus, we’re called to be fully devoted to His Kingdom above all else.

As we immerse ourselves in worship and spiritual practices, like attending church, reading scripture, and praying, these “liturgies” work to align our hearts with God’s priorities. When we engage with spiritual practices consistently, we’re spiritually formed, becoming more aligned with the Kingdom values of love, justice, and humility. In contrast, our unchecked engagement with cultural messages can easily lead us to value things that might conflict with God’s Kingdom.

Reflection Questions

  1. What “liturgies” (habits or routines) are currently shaping you the most? Are they drawing you closer to God or to the values of the world?

  2. When you consider your loyalties, where do you notice your heart leaning? Are there areas where you feel a pull to be more loyal to something temporal than to God?

  3. In what practical ways could you reorient your focus toward Christ in the upcoming week?

Further Study

  • Read Romans 12:1-2: Consider how Paul’s words about being transformed by the renewal of your mind connect to Colossians 3.

  • Explore the concept of “cultural liturgies” by looking up James K.A. Smith’s work on how practices shape our hearts and minds.

  • Practice a spiritual discipline this week. Spend time in silence and reflection, or take a “Sabbath” from social media and news, focusing your thoughts on God.


Lord, help us to set our hearts and minds on You. In a world full of distractions and competing loyalties, give us the strength and wisdom to remain true to Your Kingdom. May our lives be shaped by love, grace, and devotion to You. Amen.


Devotional: Seeking God's Kingdom First